Support Your Museum

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In 2024, your generous support of the Museum brought science and history to life for thousands of guests (including nearly 10,000 schoolchildren). If you were among them, you might have met a Nuecestown shopkeeper, an old cowhand from the 1890s, an astronomer gazing up beyond our solar system, or a scientist bent low over a microscope investigating cell structures. Your support allowed us to save treasured records, build an understanding of a time long-since passed, and investigate possibilities for what’s ahead. Your support made such a difference for so many. 

The Board of Directors and staff thank you for helping us share the stories that make Corpus Christi Corpus Christi. We are grateful today and every day. From the success of our educational outreach programs to the depths of our exceptional museum collection, your support makes it all possible. 

Together, we are engaging minds and inspiring curiosity. 

Help us strengthen everything that the Museum is today—and can be tomorrow.

Make your donation right away!

You are the reason we have a strong and stable foundation for our next steps. You are the reason our museum’s future is so dazzlingly brightWith your continued support, we’ll continue making a difference. With your help in 2025 . . . 

We’ll partner with industries and universities to bring new insight into the everyday world around us. Science and history are intertwined. We can’t tell our stories about our environment, our ecology, our energy systems without understanding the questions and challenges—the history—that inspired STEM innovations. We’ll take the Museum on the Road to schools across the region. We’ll begin refreshing the Corpus Christi History gallery’s stories as we explore our communities’ roots and the intersections of energy, environment, and our economy.  

We’re innovating programs and finding new edges, new ways, new connections, and untold stories. We’re committed to programs that engage our kids and their friends and families, to sharing the wonders of this place—both simple and sophisticated, and to reminding everyone who comes into our museum that they’re essential here today and for our future.  

With your help we can continue to build on the progress we’ve made.

Can we count on your support in 2025? Every dollar will help. Your donation and support will fuel innovation, inspiration, exploration, and discovery. Your contribution will sustain and grow our mission-critical education programs, open new exhibits, perform essential community outreach, provide educational scholarships, kindle curiosity about science and history—and most importantly, inspire a deeper connection to this community, to this place.  

Today, and every day, we are us because of you.

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